Create audio test tones on Windows, Mac or Pocket PC with this handy tool.
NCH Sound Tone Generator lets you create audio tones, sweeps or noise waveforms using a Windows computer with a sound card or a PocketPC handheld.
Tone Generator is a fine wave generator, frequency generator and signal generator that lets you create audio test tones, sweeps or noise waveforms using your computer or a PDA handheld. The full features list of this tone generator software follows but if you have any doubts about its suitability, test it as it is so simple to download and install.
Typical Applications:
* Generation of test tones in radio and other studios for the alignment of levels.
* Calibration and testing of audio equipment or speakers.
* Tuning music instruments as an accurate reference tone.
* Demonstration of audio principles to students.
* Acoustics testing and equalization.
* Quality control and testing of sound cards.
* White noise generator
* Audio band signaling.
* Hearing tests (under suitable medical supervision).
* Generate sine wave, square wave, triangular waveform, saw tooth waveform, impulse, white noise and pink noise.
* Supports frequencies from 1Hz to 22kHz bandwidth (subject to sound card).
* Multiple simultaneous tones (1 to 16 tones can be created at the same time) (useful to create harmonics).
* Mono or separate stereo operation (ideal to create dual tones or 'beats').
* Tone Sweeps (Log or Linear).
* Plays tone or saves as wav file.
NCH Sound Tone Generator - smart and effective utility that enables you to create audio test tones